Dress Code and Rules
Wonder what is appropriate to wear at camp? This page has all the answers!
Camp Rules
Our camp is made up of youth from all over the west coast. Our cabin leaders are experienced leaders who have been highly recommended by their pastor to serve at camp. For the good of all the campers, we expect that your child/teen will abide by the rules and regulations that have been established for the camp. If for some reason your child/teen has a problem with the rules and will not cooperate, we will expect you to pick them up from camp when we contact you, as we cannot allow one camper to disrupt camp. This is a rare occurrence and we counsel and give the camper every opportunity to improve their behavior. We hope this is reassuring to you as a parent, as many rules are related to the safety of your child.
Please note: We ask all campers to be friends with everyone and to avoid pairing off with another camper.
Campers are not permitted to bring: TV’s, video games or any other electronic devices, laser pointers, guns/ knives of any kind, pets, fireworks, scooters, or poor attitudes. Any such items that are found at camp will stay with the camp staff and returned as the camper leaves camp. Failure to comply could affect your camper’s return to camp next year. Read more about the packing list here.
Please note: camp is an electronics-free zone. Cell phones can be used for camera purposes ONLY during free time.
Dress code
Modesty is the policy at Camp. Modesty in all areas of dress is a strong part of every Christian’s testimony. (I Timothy 2:9) Special attention should be given to fit (not skin-tight or over-sized), appropriateness and slogans. Shorts should be at least mid-thigh in length. No split-sided or skin-tight shorts. Shoes must be worn at all times except in the shower, cabin, pond or pool. Crew-necked, sleeved t-shirts are strongly recommended for all campers.
Want to know more about the camp facility?
In operation for more than 60 years, Camp Sugar Pine has been the gracious host to High Sierra since the very beginning.
Our Vision
What We Believe
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15
1. We believe in One God, existent in three equally divine Persons
2. We believe in The Bible as the wholly perfect and inspired word of God.
3. We believe that Salvation is free gift of grace, and through faith alone.
Next Steps​
Interested in camp? Here’s how you can help make it happen.

Register your Child!

Get involved

Commit to praying for camp! We ask that you pray for camp as we move forward. Our prayer is that God’s will is done in all things.